

Berluti is introducing The Toile Marbeuf, a new travel line part of the Fall-Winter 2023 collection.

Tailored to the Berluti man, a reflection of an instinctive and unconstrained approach to travel: an effortless elegance shaped by a dynamic life on the move and the reinvented dress codes for which it calls, rooted in fine craftsmanship imbued with the soul of the Maison’s history. Through the elevated lens of Berluti, these values manifest in an authentic wardrobe brought to life through the artisanal savoir-faire embodied by the Maison, customized to the timelessness, versatility, and boldness synonymous with luxury and travel today.


根植于品牌悠久的历史与传承,此系列的设计灵感源自Berluti 位于巴黎 Marbeuf大街精品店内的别样氛围。这是一处不断启发品牌掌门人Olga Berluti女士的绝妙空间,在此之前,这里曾作为艺术工作室和贵宾沙龙。木板镶嵌的外墙上隐藏着一扇门,来自世界各地的名流雅士由此迈入绅士俱乐部,在Berluti的匠心世界中探索遨游。

在这一全新系列中,不难觅见来自Berluti Marbeuf精品店的典藏细节。印花图案的灵感源自店内的金属栏栅和楼梯扶手,与标志性的Scritto印花合二为一,流动交错,浑然天成,而边缘则饰以粒面Venezia Palmelato皮革,与Talbinio Berluti先生的经典之作——俱乐部扶手椅,采用同款深棕色调。独特的亚麻帆布材质,经过表面的涂膜处理后,变得更加柔韧,天然纤维纹理亦清晰可见。Marbeuf精品店历史悠久的门头品牌标志,则以立体压印的方式,低调展现于一众单品中。无论是手工缝线、考究的金属饰品,抑或是覆以皮革的扣件,品牌的经典元素以多种巧妙的方式融入整个系列。

Marbeuf印花系列囊括6款别致的包袋:Cabas手提袋、Cartable背包、Musette邮差包、Bourse斜挎包、Bagage旅行袋,以及标志性的滚轮拉杆箱Formula 1005,全系列均采用耐磨材料,更适于旅行以及都市生活。



Berluti定制款保时捷采用品牌经典Venezia皮革升级打造,包括座椅,车门和备用车轮盖。其灵感源自中世纪的经典汽车配色,精选圣埃美隆红Patina色调手工制作完成,配以深色染料悉心描制皮革边缘形成生动反差,整个制作过程耗时60多个小时倾力打造。细致到每一个部件比如门扣板,遮阳板和钥匙扣均由Venezia皮革模压制成。这款车亦配备一个外置行李架以及配套防震带,用于适配放置配套的 Marbeuf印花行李箱,以此展现品牌对绅士传统旅行以及复古印花帆布行李箱外置携带的经典致敬。


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Dolorum perspiciatis voluptatibus distinctio nostrum, quo obcaecati sequi culpa itaque sint vel impedit eaque architecto provident, totam fuga tempora sed, recusandae explicabo maiores aut incidunt assumenda necessitatibus labore. Iste, provident. Commodi asperiores ad repellat tempora modi culpa labore eaque magni? Atque totam quia sunt iusto obcaecati odit molestias ex voluptatem sequi aut hic nemo vero, magni impedit vel, tempore quod! Aut exercitationem esse quibusdam laboriosam provident, itaque magnam dignissimos impedit nisi quis modi aperiam minus eius officia cumque tempora voluptatem voluptate mollitia quisquam animi commodi vero consequatur, consectetur qui nam!

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